The Best Drip Coffee Machine Process.



What you’ll need:

  • Moccamaster/Drip coffee machine

  • Medium-fine ground laughing pug coffee

  • Cold filtered water

  • Scale

  • Stirrer

  • Your best friends


1. Rinse the paper and basket with hot water, removing any paper taste and warming the basket and carafe. Fold the paper and place in the basket.

2. Grind 15g of coffee
 (use a finer grind) per cup and add to the basket.

3. Add 250mls of room-temperature (or cold) water to the reservoir per cup (the heating system works best with water at cooler temps).

4. Set the filter basket to closed

5. Ensure your clean coffee pot is in position so the brewer will function and drain properly.

6. Flick the brewer on. After a few secs, hot water should start to gently pour over the bed of coffee. 

7. Once the filter basket is half-full of water – give it a little stir, so the grounds are evenly saturated and mixed in (be careful not to rip the filter paper). 

Set filter basket to half open.

8. The Moccamaster will continue dispensing water over the coffee until the water reservoir is empty. Once all water has dispensed, it’ll automatically stop brewing.

9. Begin your coffee celebration.

Tip: Grind is key. If the brew water is running up and over the filter paper then you need a coarser grind next time. You’ll want to grind slightly more finely than you would for manual pour-over techniques like the V60 or Chemex. Simply test and taste to find your perfect particle size.